An individualized pet food assistance program that provides clients with pet food for companion animals at no cost. Pet food meals are delivered to the clients home on a regular, scheduled basis. This is a free service, funded solely through donations and fundraisers.
Our AniMobile is a shuttle service for pets! If you and your pet need a ride - we can help! We are happy to help get you and your pet to veterinary appointments, grooming appointments, or the dog park within our service area - see map below. People and pets must be ambulatory. Contact us at 928-684-8801 to arrange your ride! This is a free service, funded solely through donations and fundraisers.
Residents in Wickenburg and surrounding areas - see service area map below - who are:
· Seniors/Homebound
· Homeless
· Veterans
Because pets provide real health benefits for their owners, such as:
o Lower blood pressure
o Lower cholesterol
o Sense of security
o Stay active
o Less depression
o Live longer!
· The cost and ability to acquire pet food can often be an obstacle for these pet owners.
· So clients will not sacrifice their own resources, such as money for groceries or medications, to feed their pets.
AniMeals is FREE to the client.
· Pet food is FREE.
· Delivery is FREE.
· Provide sufficient, quality pet food to our clients on a regular basis.
· Keep pets with their owners!
· Reduce the number of pets surrendered to shelters.
· Keep senior pets in their homes!
Enrollment in our AniMeals program is easy! Complete and submit the Pet Owner Survey to the Humane Society of Wickenburg. We will contact you to set up pet food delivery to the home of the pet.
AniMeals is solely funded through donations and fundraisers. Donations cover the cost of pet food, packaging supplies, and vehicle expenses; such as gas, insurance, registration, and maintenance. Donations are tax-deductible. Want to help? Donations are accepted online at or at the Humane Society of Wickenburg.
Contact us at
Phone: 928-684-8801
4000 Industrial RD Wickenburg, AZ 85390
Copyright © 2021 Humane Society of Wickenburg - All Rights Reserved.
Join us for this fun event of beer & wine tasting and LIVE entertainment by Western Fusion Band TODAY Saturday, March 22, 2025. Proceeds benefit the shelter animals of the Humane Society of Wickenburg. Tickets are available at the gate: General Admission tickets are $35, VIP tickets are $65.